Rules v1.2.3


All models have a Structure Rating that indicate how much damage they can sustain.

Squadron Damage

Anti-Squadron Attack Results only use the Magnitude of the Result, not the Value. Apply each result individually.

  • [N]: No Effect
  • [D]: -1 Structure Rating
  • [T]: -2 Structure Rating
  • [Q+]: Squadron is Destroyed

Squadrons whose Structure rating is reduced to zero are Destroyed and are removed from the table as casualties.

Example: A Jovian Pathfinder Exo-Armor Squadron is under attack from a massive Missile Attack from a CEGA Uller. The Uller rolls a [D2,T3], and the Pathfinders fail to reduce the Uller's results with their Point Defense. The Pathfinders suffer a total of 3 damage, and must mark off 3 total Damage rating.

Capital Ship Damage

Both the Magnitude and the Value of the Result are relevant for resolving Capital Ship damage. The table below shows the results by Magnitude, with the Value selecging the type of Rating Damage, if any.

Note that the table entries are mutually exclusive, i.e. if you roll a [T] you apply only the line for a Triple.

Result Magnitude Effect
[N] No Effect
[D] 1 Rating Damage
[T] 1 Structure Damage, 1 Critical Hit
[Q+] 2 Structure Damage, 2 Critical Hits

Sometimes, you will roll multiple [D+] Results during an attack. Resolve multiple [D+] results in the following order:

  1. Lowest Magnitude first, i.e. [D] before [T] before [Q+].
  2. If two or more results of the same magnitude are rolled, resolve the lowest Value, i.e. [D1] before [D4].

This is to increase the likelihood of more Ratings being 0 when making a roll on the Catastrophic Damage Table.

Example: A CEGA Wyvern targets a capital ship with its Mass Drivers. The Wyvern’s Mass Driver has a AC:2 rating. The CEGA player rolls 2D6 for the attack rolling [2, 2]. The [D2] results reduces the target’s point defense system rating by 1, then the Wyvern may continue to attack with its AC missiles.

Damage Types

Rating Damage

Rating Damage represents damage to the three main Ratings that Capital Ships have, Defense, Sensors, and Thrusters.

The Result Value determines the damaged rating:

Result Value Rating
1-2 Defense
3-4 Sensors
5-6 Thrusters
  • Defense - Damage to the Defense Rating represents damage to a ship's Point Defense turrets A ship 0 Defense rating may not support friendly Models that are the target of Missile attacks.
  • Sensors - Damage to Sensors reduces the effective range of weapons by 3" per rating of Sensors lost. This only affects the Long Range of weapons.
  • Thrusters - A ship may only turn as many times as its current Thrusters rating or Turns rating, whichever is lower.
    • Most ships may turn only once, so having a Thrusters rating over 1 represents redundant thrusters.
    • Ships with 0 Thrusters may only turn after passing a Skill check with a [D+] result.

Tracking Rating Damage is as simple as marking off the highest unmarked Rating box. There are a few things to remember:

  • Doubled value boxes are redundant system boxes which increase the damage required to reduce the rating of a system.
  • The current rating is the highest unmarked Rating box.
  • If there are no remaining boxes to mark, the rating is considered to be 0, and further hits that would apply to that Rating are randomized to any remaining Ratings.
  • If there are no remaining Ratings, apply a damage to Structure instead.

Example: A damaged CEGA Tengu has Defense:4, Sensors: 3, and Thrusters: 1. It suffers a [D5,D6] hit, meaning it would take two hits to its Thrusters. It only has one remaining Rating box, so the second hit must be randomized to either the Defense or Sensors rating.

Structure Damage

Structure Damage represents serious degradation of a ship's superstructure. Like other ratings, a ship's current Structure Rating is the highest unmarked Rating box.

A model that is reduced to 0 Structure Rating is Crippled and must immediately roll on the Catastrophic Damage Table.

A model cannot be reduced to less than zero Structure rating. If a model would be reduced to less than zero Structure, roll on the Catastrophic Damage Table.

System Trait Damage

Some Capital Ships have Systems that can be damaged in addition to hits to the Defense, Sensor, or Thruster damage.

  • These additional systems come from System Traits the ship has, like [Hanger]s or Catapults.
  • System Traits are damaged by Critical Damage effects or by Precise Attacks.
  • Each critical damage effect reduces a System Trait rating by one, marking a box as before.
  • A System Trait with a rating of zero may not be used.
  • Some System Traits, like [Hanger]s, may have their effectiveness degraded as they take damage.
  • One rating of a System Trait may be Repair(/action/repair)ed on a [D+] result.

Weapon Damage

  • Weapons are damaged by Critical Damage effects. Damaged weapons may not be used to attack. Mark the weapon as damaged on the box provided on the data care.
  • Weapons may be Repair(/action/repair)ed on a [D+] result.

Marine Damage

  • Marines can only be damaged by Critical Damage effects or attrition from boarding actions.
  • Lost Marine ratings may not be Repair(/action/repair)ed.
  • Marine rating should be tracked by marking lost rating on the boxes provided as with other Ratings.

Critical Hit

When a Capital Ship is damaged by a [T+] result, the attacker chooses one of the following options to resolve a Critical Hit:

  1. Inflict one Rating Damage, attacker's choice of Defense, Sensors, or Thrusters. A Rating currently at 0 may not be chosen.
  2. Inflict one System Trait Damage, attacker's choice of System Trait.
  3. Inflict Weapon Damage on one weapon, attacker's choice of weapon.
  4. Reduce the Marines rating by one.

If none of the above options can be chosen, inflict an additional Structure Damage and roll on the Catastrophic Damage Table if necessary.