Rules v1.2.4


Jovian Wars is designed to be played at three levels:

  • Skirmish - 150 points per fleet
  • Engagement - 250 points per fleet
  • Fleet Battle - 500 points per fleet

Point Restrictions

  • At least 25% of points must be spent on Squadrons.
  • At least 25% of points must be spent on Capital Ships.
  • A maximum of 25% of points may be spent on Upgrades and static defenses.

Unit Cap

Each unit has a Unit Cap (UC) rating, located in the bottom left of its unit card.

The UC rating represents the maximum number of instances of that unit that you may take in your Fleet for every 250 points. For example, Venus Ryu have a UC of 4. At the Skirmish and Engagement fleet levels, you may take a maximum of 4 Ryu in your Fleet. At the Fleet Battle level, you may have 10.

Fleet Unit Cards

Unit Cards and Upgrades cards are available at


Cargo modules may be purchased up to a ship's Cargo trait maximum.


You may only have one type of Character upgrade per ship, i.e. only one "Captain" upgrade.


Units with Hardpoints may purchase the appropriate class of weapons to fill them at the cost listed on the Upgrade cards for that slot. For example, a Hardpoint I slot may buy a Kinetic Cannon I, Particle Cannon I, etc. but not any weapon of class II, III, or SPN.

Only one type of weapon may be purchased per line in the weapon table, and all instances of that weapon must be purchased. For example, to fill a Hardpoint III x3, you must purchase three copies of a Kinetic Cannon III, or other weapon of the same class.

Not all Hardpoint lines in the Weapon table must be filled, in fact there is no requirement to fill any!

Unless otherwise noted, all weapons are Public Information.