Rules v1.2.4


There are innumerable scenarios to explore within the context of Jovian Wars, limited only by the players' imaginations. Here we present a scaffolding for constructing scenarios as well as presenting a few introductory scenarios.

Deployment Zone

Standard Deployment Zone

Players may deploy in a 12" strip extending from their table edge.

Beacon Deployment Zone

Starting with the player with Initiative, players alternate placing four Beacon markers each anywhere on the table. Markers must be at least 12" from any other Beacon marker.

A model is considered to be within a player's Deployment Zone if it is within 3" of one of their Beacon markers.

If used with Fleet Deployment, at least one model must be deployed within 3" of each player's Beacon markers.

Corner Deployment Zone

Divide the table into equal 2' x 2' quadrants. The player with Initiative chooses a quadrant to deploy in first, and their opponent deploys in the diagonally opposite quadrant.

Deployment Type

Fleet Deployment

During the first Deployment Phase:

  1. In initiative order, players alternate deploying all their Capital Ships in their Deployment Zone. Capital Ships may not be Embarked.
  2. In initiative order, players alternate deploying Squadrons in their Deployment Zone until both decline to do so. At this time, Squadrons may be deployed Embarked onto Capital Ships with sufficient Hangers(/traits#hangers) capacity.

Players need not deploy all their Squadrons and may hold some In Reserve for subsequent Deployment Phases.

Escalating Deployment

During the first Deployment Phase:

  1. In initiative order, players alternate deploying one Capital Ship each. Capital Ships may not be Embarked.
  2. In initiative order, players alternate deploying two Squadrons each. These squadrons may not be Embarked.

Note that each model is deployed independently, i.e. you deploy a Squadron and declare it to be either on the table normally or Embarked. Escalating Deployment does not allow for Squadrons to be deployed Embarked in step two above (but does in subsequent phases), so the first Capital Ship cannot have Squadrons Embarked.

During subsequent Deployment Phases:

  1. In initiative order, players alternate deploying Capital Ships until they both decline to do so. Capital Ships may not be Embarked.
  2. In initiative order, players alternate deploying Squadrons until they both decline to do so. Squadrons may be deployed Embarked on Capital Ships deployed in this Phase.

Victory Conditions

Victory Conditions are governed by Objective Points and Victory Points.

  • The player with the most Objective Points is considered the winner.
  • Ties are broken by whichever player has more Victory Points

Generally the game is over after seven Game Turns as defined in the Structure of a Game, but some Scenarios will specify an early end condition to be evaluated in the End Phase.

Objective Points

Objective Points and the means for achieving them are specified by each Scenario.

Victory Points

Each player's Victory Points are determined by the points total of the surviving models in their fleet, with the following multipliers:

State Multiplier
Captured 1.5
Crippled 0
Destroyed 0
Withdrawn 0.5

Note that the capturing player gets the points for Captured ships, with the original owner getting 0 points for that ship!